
From Cabin by the Lake
Revision as of 21:24, 28 August 2023 by Cronn (talk | contribs)
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Current Content Corruption 4

Haily content to be added

In Game Background

Haily background to be added

Corruption Levels


Even though Haily moved away, you managed to stay in contact with her on the farm. She misses all of you a lot and is eager to be part of things and keep up with everyone.


Haily is sick and tired of being stuck at the farm and after much badgering she has managed to convince Bess to let her spend some time with you all rather than keeping her stuck at home.

Hand Holding

Haily is super happy to meet everyone again. She's made the effort to stay in touch with everyone and her excitement is palpable. You can't help but feel she's hiding something through.


This corruption level is still under construction

Additional Levels


The two of you have made a habit of exchanging little packages and gifts by mail. Not anything huge, just various trinkets that you've come across in your daily lives.


Haily has always had a moonstone necklace. You aren't quite sure where it came from but it seems to have a subtle power to it and when the stars align, it will allow Haily to become pregnant.